Ever feel like you’re struggling for time, energy or money?
The older I get, the more I believe that we can make time for the things that matter.
Friends, family, food, fitness and fun.
How can we make time for what matters most?
Realise Balance Doesn’t Look Like “Balance”
I’m guessing we all have a permanent ‘should do’ list. We can be guilty of going to bed at night and stewing about the things we didn’t tick off and feeling like we dropped the ball.
In reality you don’t have to keep all of your balls in the air at once. It’s OK to put some of them down for a while, as long as you don’t forget to come back for them later.
Balance sometimes requires things need to sit on the backburner for a while. Cut yourself some slack, just don’t be slack and procrastinate. Prioritise.
Realise Balance Is A State Of Mind
The “doing it all” approach to life is a bit like doing a giant jigsaw without a picture to go by. If you just keep fiddling with the pieces you’ll eventually find the right combinations and get it to fall in place. There might be some swearing and cursing in the process though.
Consider that wearing the “Busy” badge of honour might be better replaced with pursuing rest and balance. Busy multitasking isn’t always ideal for your mental and physical state of well-being.
We all have limited time, energy & money. You will invariably struggle if you’re trying to do more than you’re physically capable of doing.
Try focussing less on how much you can do, and more on how you feel about what you’re doing.
I suggest you make peace with your limits if you want to find balance.
Realise Balance Comes From Being True To Yourself
Deep down we tend to know what we need most right now. If we can align our life with these priorities we can feel balanced.
Unfortunately these priorities are competing with the cacophony of noise coming from external pressures. For example, working late because you think you have to in order to be seen as successful, getting to a gym class at a set time, attending every social function on offer because you think you have to, or trying to ‘Keep up with the Joneses’
Ask yourself, “are you trying to juggle balls that don’t really belong to you?”.
Shit you’ll run out of room if you’re trying to find space in your life for what really matters to you AND everyone else.
Tune in to the noise, listen, and know you’ll have time for the things that matter most.
Remember, you can do anything but you can’t do everything well.