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Motivation Mistakes and Consistency

Writer's picture: RISE Ann WickenRISE Ann Wicken

Hang On Don’t Give Up

Inevitably, on any journey toward a goal we will end up losing motivation and making mistakes. Whether it be today, tomorrow or yesterday we will have setbacks.

Having a bad day, making a poor choice or taking undesirable action doesn’t define you.

Achieving your goals is more about developing an extensive toolkit with an array of tools that support you as you work toward your goal. This is the case for any goal: weight loss, better sleep, improved nutrition, fitness or simply getting to the mat for yoga more regularly.

When we ‘slip up’, as we all will and do it’s important to accept those mistakes and realise it doesn’t mean we have to punish ourselves and give up. If your car gets a flat tyre do you get out and slash the other three and abandon the car altogether? No, we get out, put the spare on, get the puncture fixed and move on.

Goal attainment is about being consistent. As we know, consistency has a flow on, compounding effect. We can see this in all aspects of our lives. Working consistently on our relationships, weight loss goals, and our health and fitness pays dividends. For example, when we consistently get to the mat for yoga, we pay attention to ourselves, our physical well-being, mindfulness, and breath. The flow on effect is how we value ourselves, treat others and find more gratitude and acceptance in life.

Next time you make a mistake or ‘fall off the wagon’ don’t punish yourself. Dive into your toolbox and use the tools you have to and get back on the horse. No good ever came from succumbing to the negative self-talk that tells you you’ve failed.

RISE, Hang On Don’t Give Up.

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Jan 06, 2021

Nice little blogs. Personally I think the mantra “A man (and a woman!) should know their limitations”( Clint Eastwood ? ) can keep you out of a lot of trouble so you don’t suddenly find yourself hanging off a precipice by your fingernails !


Tara Field
Nov 22, 2020

I like that car tyre analogy!! Consistency is key. So hard on a hot sunny day not to have the ice cream!!! 😎☀️🙃

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