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Yoga And Exercise At Home

Writer's picture: RISE Ann WickenRISE Ann Wicken

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

It would be silly to say that making time to move (yoga or exercise) at home is always easy. I know it’s not, it’s tough. Shit gets in the way, we get distracted and we make excuses. However, it’s easy to say that when you do prioritize time to move you always find your emotional, mental and physical well-being so much more balanced and calm.

When we just try to be disciplined we can struggle but if we change our mindset and focus on ‘looking after ourselves’ we can nurture a desire to want to find time to move.

I've had people say it to me before, 'It's easy for you, you're so motivated'. If I make it look easy to be motivated to move most days then you’re mistaken. Some days I have these entertaining conversations in my head about why I don’t have time, what I need to do instead and quite honestly why I can’t be bothered. What invariably happens next is , I give myself a little uppercut and I take one small step toward the mat or move toward my exercise gear and then I’m away. Taking that first step is critical.

We all know things don’t just happen if you only think you’ll get round to them. You have to prepare. Over the years I've learnt to rely on a few easy strategies to help move regularly and reap the benefits of being consistent.

Here’s a few tips I use to get me started. Try them and see if you can get them to work for you too.

Schedule and Make Space

· Schedule your yoga/exercise in your calendar (try an alarm as a reminder).

· Get up and get dressed in to your yoga/exercise gear (much easier than going and getting changed later) if you plan to move before work or during the day if you work from home.

· Lay all your gear out and set up your yoga/exercise area before work if you’re planning to move in the evening.

· Plan to join a live online class with a friend so you are accountable. You can always message then before to check in and keep them honest.

· Tell those that live with you ahead of time that you will be moving your body because it makes you an even better person to be around. If they’re anything like my family they’ll happily give you all the space and the encouragement you need.

Give one or several of these a go and maybe, just maybe you'll find more time and less excuses.

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